Erew 2. Tischri 5779 / Rosch Haschana

10.09.2018, 17:00 Time,

Taschlich at the Havel and blowing of the Schofar

Erew 15. Tischri 5779 / Erew Sukkot

23.09.2018, 15:00 Time,

We build our Ohel Sukkah! Lots of fun for the young and young at heart!

Erew 15. Tischri 5779 / Erew Sukkot

23.09.2018, 17:00 Time,

We celebrate in our Sukkah and the Remise. Our children will also harvest the pumpkins they planted on Tu bi Schwat.

Erew 15. Cheschwan 5778 / Paraschat Wajera

03.11.2017, 19:30 Time,

Fahrstuhl vorhanden
Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser Gemeinde, 2 OG
S- und U—Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101