Erew 16. Nissan 5781 / 2. Sederabend

28.03.2021, 19:00 Time, – ()

Infos und Reservierungen unter

7. Nissan 5781 // Schacharit Schabbat Wajikra

20.03.2021, 10:30 Time, – (Schacharit)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

Erew 22. Adar 5781 / Kabbalat Schabbat Para (Ki Tisa)

05.03.2021, 19:30 Time, – (Kabbalat shabat)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

Erew 14. Adar 5781 / Erew Purim

25.02.2021, 18:00 Time, wird noch bekanntgegeben – ()

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

8. Adar 5781 // Schacharit Schabbat Zachor (Terumah)

20.02.2021, 10:30 Time, – (Schacharit)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

Erew 24. Schwat 5781 / Kabbalat Schabbat Jitro

05.02.2021, 19:30 Time, – (Kabbalat shabat)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

3. Schwat 5781 // Schacharit Schabbat Waera

16.01.2021, 10:30 Time, – (Schacharit)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

Erew 25. Tewet 5781 / Kabbalat Schabbat Schemot

08.01.2021, 19:30 Time, – (Kabbalat shabat)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

4. Tewet 5781 // Schacharit Schabbat Miketz

19.12.2020, 10:30 Time, – (Schacharit)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

Erew 26. Kislew 5781 / Kabbalat Schabbat Wajeschew / 2. Chanukkalicht

11.12.2020, 19:30 Time, – (Kabbalat shabat)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

5. Kislew 5781 // Schacharit Schabbat Toldot

21.11.2020, 10:30 Time, – (Schacharit)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

Erew 27. Cheschwan 5781 / Kabbalat Schabbat Chaje Sara

13.11.2020, 19:30 Time, – (Kabbalat shabat)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

29. Tischri 5781 // Schacharit Schabbat Bereschit

17.10.2020, 10:30 Time, – (Schacharit)

Elevator available

Gemeindehaus der Vaterunser-Gemeinde, 2. OG

S- und U-Bahnhof Bundesplatz, Bus 101

For this event, the current regulations of the State of Berlin for handling the covid-19 (Sars-II) pandemic apply. We ask for your attention. Here you can find our hygiene concept.

15. Tischrei 5781 // Sukkot 5781 (not in rainy weather!)

03.10.2020, 15:00 Time, – (Holiday)

From 15.00 o'clock we build our Sukkah together; afterwards we inaugurate it and celebrate together. A celebration for young and old and all the other children...

Kiddusch around 18:30

The event is essentially outdoors, the usual Corona rules of conduct such as keeping your distance etc. apply. For this reason a registration is necessary, best HERE

In rainy weather the event is cancelled!

10. Tischrei 5781 // Jom Kippur Schacharit

28.09.2020, 10:00 Time, – ()

Chasan Jalda Rebling will guide us interactively through the liturgy. We will davven and sing, learn and meditate.

We will experience this time of conversion and new beginnings together.


10:00 Uhr:Start of Schacharit

12:00 Uhr:Yiskor

16:00 Uhr:Mincha

18:00 Uhr:​Ne*ila

Our Machsor is the Makhzor Lev Shalem. A version can be downloaded HERE for a fee.

According to the current covid-19 rules we will also offer a Kiddusch. The number of participants is limited to 25 persons.

We also broadcast via youtube, please follow us at youtube

If you want to participate directly, please register (click HERE). There you will also find further information.

For this event we ask for your support and for a donation - thank you very much!

10. Tischrei 5781 // Erew Jom Kippur Kol Nidre

27.09.2020, 18:00 Time, – ()

Chasan Jalda Rebling will guide us interactively through the liturgy. We will davven and sing, learn and meditate.

We will experience this time of conversion and new beginnings together.

Our Machsor is the Makhzor Lev Shalem. A version can be downloaded HERE for a fee.

According to the current covid-19 rules we will also offer a Kiddusch. The number of participants is limited to 25 persons.

We also broadcast via youtube, please follow us at youtube

If you want to participate directly, please register (click HERE). There you will also find further information.

For this event we ask for your support and for a donation - thank you very much!

1. Tischri 5781 / Rosch Haschana / Taschlich

19.09.2020, 17:00 Time, Ort wird noch genannt – ()

Taschlich an der Havel

If you wish to participate directly, please register (click HERE). There you will also find further information.

For this event we ask for your support and for a donation - thank you very much!

1. Tischrei 5781 // Rosch HaSchanah

19.09.2020, 10:30 Time, – ()

Chasan Jalda Rebling will guide us interactively through the liturgy. We will davven and sing, learn and meditate.

We will experience this time of conversion and new beginnings together.

Our Machsor is the Makhzor Lev Shalem. A version can be downloaded HERE for a fee.

According to the current covid-19 rules we will also offer a Kiddusch. The number of participants is limited to 25 persons.

We also broadcast via youtube, please follow us at youtube

If you want to participate directly, please register (click HERE). There you will also find further information.

For this event we ask for your support and for a donation - thank you very much!

1. Tischrei 5781 // Erew Rosch HaSchanah

18.09.2020, 19:00 Time – ()

Chasan Jalda Rebling will guide us interactively through the liturgy. We will davven and sing, learn and meditate.

We will experience this time of conversion and new beginnings together.

Our Machsor is the Makhzor Lev Shalem.

We ask you to register by email or HERE so that you can receive your login data.

For this event we ask for your support and for a donation - thank you very much!